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Why You Should Try Scripter for Digital Detox

When mental wellness and professional success collide, a new wearable called Scripter might be just the thing to help you have your cake and eat it too.

What is Scripter?

In a nutshell, Scripter is a wearable audio and voice-to-text recorder. According to the official info, it can transcribe speech on the fly with 99% accuracy; but what makes it really interesting to us is the promise of no distractions.

Scripter has been designed and patented by Senstone, a US company known for its firm stance on digital well-being. 

Since 2017 Senstone has been working on the wearables to “revolutionize note-taking”. The mixture of user feedback and experience has led the company to develop Scripter as the next step towards that goal. In practice, however, what we have on our hands is not a revolution, but rather an evolution. Scripter snaps into place like a puzzle piece, the missing link between your brain and your phone. It’s the kind of device “you didn’t know you needed”, but then all of a sudden you do.

What makes Scripter stand out among its competitors?

The strength of Scripter lies in minimalism. 

Where other devices have a touchscreen or an array of buttons, Scripter offers a single button to start and stop recording.

Clipped to your collar, Scripter is fast. You can have a recording ready, text included, before another person reaches for their phone.

Long battery life (7 days) and unlimited recording spare you the hassle of constant maintenance and status checks.


How can Scripter help your digital detox?

The principle behind digital detox is that of focusing on the real world as opposed to the distractions of media and the internet. You take a break from technology.

However, most people these days cannot – or do not want to – go off the grid even for 24 hours. Many rely on technology as their source of income, and even more cherish their connections with friends and family via calls. This is where Scripter comes in.

What you get with Scripter is a “secure” connection to your work or hobby. You can be taking notes and making plans all you want – and stay out of the data storm that is the internet.

This way you can keep both your productivity and your digital detox; in fact, you can be more productive than usual, as half-conscious internet surfing is often a close accomplice to procrastination.

And if you have been wondering why you are only just hearing about Scripter, it is probably because the device has been unveiled quite recently, with the Kickstarter campaign to fund its mass manufacturing set for October 2021. You can find the Kickstarter page here, or visit the company’s official website here for more information.

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