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Why Noninvasive Paternity is considered safer than Invasive Paternity Test

Noninvasive Paternity test includes testing the blood of a pregnant woman as there is no need for any surgery, hence this test is very easy to operate. In this process, the blood sample is taken from the pregnant women and also other DNA is taken from a cheek swab of an alleged father. In the mother’s blood, free-floating fetal DNA is compared with own DNA of a mother. After a fetus’s DNA profile is determined, it is compared with a father’s DNA. Both DNA is analyzed in a lab and later paternity result comes out. This paternity test also very useful for the court of law.

How noninvasive DNA is very safe

In noninvasive DNA, a fetus is safer as compared to invasive techniques. There is no use of any needle and hence chances of miscarriage are negligible. Because of this, most women go for the noninvasive paternity test. You also can do home DNA paternity testing.  This test is also done to check any abnormality in a baby like Down syndrome & Trisomy 18 and you also can check the sex of your baby.

See here: Why choose Prenatal DNA paternity testing?

Noninvasive DNA Paternity Test DC is here to help you in getting a noninvasive paternity test. This test is very safe and also can be done at home. There is no chance of any harm to a fetus. You can talk to FaceIT DNA experts and can clear all your doubts.

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