Answer to every Why?

Why does miscarriage happen in the first trimester of pregnancy?

A miscarriage most likely occurs i.e. more than 80% in the first trimester of pregnancy.  There are countless reasons for miscarriage. In research, it is proved that about 1/3 to 1/2 of miscarriage cases happen before missing a menstrual period. The main reasons for miscarriages are as follows:

  • Chromosomal abnormality

This is a very common reason as more than half of miscarriages in the first trimester occur due to the problem in the baby’s chromosomes. If your baby has the wrong number of chromosomes or has damaged one then the baby will not grow normally or miscarriage can happen. After the age of 35, the risk of miscarriage and abnormal chromosomes increases.


Examples of Chromosomal abnormality

Intrauterine Fetal Demise

In this case, embryo forms but stops developing before you feel symptoms of miscarriage.

Molar Pregnancy

Here, both sets of chromosomes come from the father, and hence no fetus is developed.

Blighted Ovum

In this pregnancy loss, no formation of the embryo occurs.

Partial Molar Pregnancy

This miscarriage involves a mother’s chromosomes but two sets of chromosomes from father also exist.

  • Lifestyle

The lifestyle of a mother also can cause miscarriage. Some dangerous habits of a mom such as smoking, heavy drinking, and using illegal drugs can hurt the developing baby.

  • Environmental Hazards

The environment also can cause pregnancy loss. These hazards can be:

  • Pesticides used for killing insects or rodents
  • Arsenic in wastes and well water
  • Mercury releases from broken thermometers or fluorescent light bulbs
  • Solvents such as paint thinners stain and varnish removers, degreasers

These above reasons are the main cause of miscarriage happens in the first trimester of pregnancy.

See here:- Why a healthy pregnancy diet is important?

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