Why are cancer rates increasing nowadays?
In recent years, many cases of cancer have come out. These days, so many people are suffering from cancer and according to an estimate, nearly 14.5 million cancer survivors are in the USA. There are several factors contribute to the increase in cancer diagnosis. Some common factors are:
- Obesity
This is the common reason for cancer. Obese people are more inclined to cancer disease. If you have a body mass index (BMI) more than 30 then you can be diagnosed with cancer. Even, many types of research also prove that obesity leads to an increased number of cancer-related mortality.

Overweight or obesity is associated with reduced DNA repair capacity and is the reason for breast cancer, lymphocytes, colorectal cancer, and thyroid cancer.
- Lifestyle factors

Lifestyle choices are also the main factor of cancer in many adults. People who do smoking and eat high-fat diets have more chances of having cancer at a later stage of their life. Because of this, many youngsters are falling victim to cancer.
- Environmental exposure

According to research, many cases of childhood cancers happened due to the toxic environment. The reasons behind this are pollution or open exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. If pregnant women get in a poisonous environmental exposure then her baby may get cancerous diseases.
- Genetic disorders
The inherited gene faults can develop a particular type of cancer. If any member of your family has had one or more types of cancer in the past then you may also develop cancer. For example; the case of defects in the stem cells can be related to inherited genetic disorders.

The above factors are the reason why we are facing so many cancer rates these days. People need to care about their surroundings and eating habits to avoid deadly cancer. If we make ourselves fit and healthy then we can beat cancer.
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