What are some common red flags for fake ESA letters?
There are many uncertified mental health specialists that provide fake ESA letters to allow people to keep an emotional support animal with them. On the internet, anyone can pose as a licensed mental health professional and it is important that you do proper research before issuing an ESA letter. The fake ESA letter can cause legal problems for you. To avoid ESA letters frauds, you should notice some red flags such as:

Missing an official letterhead
A missing official letterhead is the common red flag which most people overlook. There are some characteristics of a credible letterhead:
- Registration number
- Organization’s name
- Date of issuance and expiration of the license
- Specifics on the kind of license that they own
- Missing the Evaluation process
A legit ESA agency will not skip the evaluation process as health analysis is important before getting an ESA letter. A licensed mental health professional will always do a mental health evaluation test on you and then on the basis of your condition, will issue an ESA letter.

- Fake claims
It is the scammer’s antics to influence you for registering an uncertified emotional support letter. You should know two basic things about the emotional support letter which will help you to not fall for false claims:
- The purpose of an ESA letter: After getting an ESA letter, airlines will allow you and your pet to board the planes. You also can stay in houses or apartment which follow “no pets allowed” policy with no extra charge. If an ESA center claims anything more than these above rights then they are using a marketing trap to reel you in.
- Limits to access rights: If you have an emotional support letter then it doesn’t mean that you can walk into any public place with your emotional support animal. Restaurants, theaters, bars, and other public establishments can deny entry if they feel that your pet may be disruptive. A legitimate ESA company will explain to you the “limits of your rights”.

If you notice all the above points then you can easily identify the ESA letters scammers. For register, emotional support dog, contact renowned and certified ESA professionals such as PDSC psychotherapists who are licensed and will help you in issuing a valid emotional support letter.
See more: How ESA letter is helpful in traveling with an emotional support dog?