When you need Prenatal Triple Screening Test?
The Triple Screening Test is done in the second trimester. Doctors use this test to check the risks of various chromosomal abnormalities. But, mainly this test helps in detecting neural tube defects; these defects are the birth defects of the spine, brain, and spinal cord. This Prenatal DNA Testing is typically a blood test in which 3 substances are measured in the blood such as alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, and estriol.

When you need Prenatal Triple Screening Test?
- The Prenatal Triple Screening Test can be performed any time between 15 to 21 weeks of pregnancy period.
- 9 weeks after the last menstrual period.
- If you want to detect neural tube defects then this test is very effective in between 16 to 18 weeks.
- This test in the second trimester detects either high or low-risk chances of chromosomal abnormalities.
What if you get a negative screen test result?
It means your baby probably does not have neural tube defects, Trisomy 18, or Down syndrome. You do not need further testing but negative screen results do not guarantee that your baby does not have other forms of birth defects.

Face IT DNA professionals of Prenatal DNA Test Atlanta are here to help you in all screening and diagnostic tests. You can choose any one of your preferred test under your budget.
Check here: Why home DNA test kit is a good option for you?