How to train your dog to be an emotional support dog?
An emotional support dog is different from a normal dog. If your dog is an emotional support animal then it can remove your anxiety and depression with ease. A well-behaved and well-maintained ESA dog is your best companion. You can depend on your dog for a reliable company. So, it is important to train your dog to get many benefits. Certified therapists also recommend keeping a dog.

How to train your dog?
- Basic obedience
After registering a dog, you should do basic obedience training for your dog including “sit”, “down”, “heel”, “stop”, “come” etc. In a public, you can also teach your dog how to avoid anti-social behavior such as begging for food, barking, and jumping.
- Teach commands
Your dog can understand you more if it can understand some basic commands. With the help of commands, your dog can help you in various situations. The commands are: recall, stay, sit, down, settle, and leave it.

After learning these commands, a normal dog will behave like an emotional support animal. It will never leave you and will understand your actions. Most people prefer to have an ESA pet to reduce loneliness. An emotional support animal brings lots of amazing moments in your life. They have many expectations from it and there are also many things that come into our mind before we buy a dog or any other animal.

Contact PDSC professionals for assistance. You can talk to experienced and certified therapists before registering for a dog. After talking, you will be surer that why you need an emotional support animal. Also, issue an ESA letter. This letter is very important while traveling with an emotional support animal. There are also other benefits such as staying in pet-restricted zones.
See here:- Why an emotional support dog is considered a good emotional companion?