How to take care of your emotional support dog?
Emotional support dog is an integral part of your life and it is important that you take care of your dog so that it can help you in anxious or depressed moments. We should also know about our dogs’ psychology. If you don’t do any activity with your dog or ignore it then there are chances that your dog may feel low-energy.

There are some activities you should with your pet such as visit the park, plan a road trip, play games (tug of war & hide n seek), go camping and many more things. The main benefit of these activities is that your dog will feel energetic all the time. You will also get benefits as an active dog can motivate you more.

In this ongoing COVID pandemic situation, you need to spend some creative time with your emotional support animal. By staying at home, an emotional support dog can feel bored. So, you need to be more careful about your dog’s health. Do notice that your pet doesn’t eat too much leftover food as it is dangerous for your pet’s health.

Contact PDSC professionals for issues regarding emotional support dogs or any other animal. Here, you will get worthy advice from certified & experienced therapists and also get an ESA letter which is important while registering an emotional support animal.
See here:- How COVID-19 can affect your relationship with the emotional support animal?