Answer to every Why?

Traumatic Brain Injury

It does not need to be said that if you’ve been in an accident, you’re bound to have hurt yourself. And that might just need a trip to the hospital to get your injuries looked at. But if it’s a car accident you’ve been in, it would be better to get a car accident injury lawyer just to be on the safe side. Because accidents such as these can turn fatal in the blink of an eye, no matter how they look initially. 

car accident injury lawyer

The worst kind of injury to have gotten in a car crash would definitely have to be a brain injury. A traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force hurts the head enough to cause cognitive dysfunction. And by any record, those are bound to affect more people than just the victim. These injuries also affect the lives of family members and other close relationships as well. A look into a car accident may illustrate the severity of the situation, as any good car accident injury lawyer would tell you, where a car going 45 mph hits another car or a stationary object. In those cases, the car would go from 45 miles/hour to 0 in about a second or so. What happens then to the brain is medically termed whiplash. The brain floating in the cerebral fluid will propel against the hard bone of your skull with force due to this impact, its tissues squished with blood vessels bursting and blood streaming into parts of the head where it shouldn’t. This is, of course disastrous, as due to less space in the brain, the blood would make it swell up and stop it from working. Some of the areas of the brain may even die, and this necrotic tissue may cause seizures, strokes, or even death. 

car accident injury lawyer

When the human body is in an accident as severe as a car crash, it will probably suffer from various types of injuries, including the brain. As any good personal injury attorney would tell you that most people are lucky to be alive when the brain tissues go through such an ordeal. But, no brain injury occurs the same way, the tissues in your brain may be bruised due to the accident, or they may be twisted, torn, or even bleed. But they do not occur in an either/or fashion. The victim may develop more than just one type of brain injury, and further along, more injuries can develop after the initial accident depending on where the blood goes. 


But the thing to remember is if you have been in a car accident that has resulted in a traumatic head injury for either you or a loved one, it is of utmost importance that you seek a car accident attorney immediately. These injuries are very complicated with ramifications that can last about a lifetime, its effects touching your entire family. So, getting an experienced personal injury law firm to handle the burden of the legal aspects for you is the best solution available.